Forward-looking solutionsIntelligent building management

Building technologies

Whether lighting, heating control, room climate or safety - we know from experience that there are usually dangers and optimisation potentials slumbering in all areas of building management.

Quite simply, because production facilities and workplaces are often used unchanged for decades, while statutory occupational health and safety regulations and technical possibilities are constantly changing and evolving.

Our range of services

Electrical engineering for monitoring, control, regulation and optimisation equipment in the following trades

  • Electric
  • Safety and security
  • Heating, air conditioning, ventilation, sanitation
  • Building automation
  • Facility management


  • Compliance with current legal regulations
  • Increase your energy efficiency
  • Transparency and control

Future-oriented economic and ecological action

If discrepancies resulting from outdated building management become apparent as a result of accidents or damage, there is a risk of consequences that damage the image and sometimes threaten the existence of the company. Control and prevention therefore make a lot of sense - for social, legal, economic and ecological reasons.

Let us advise you on DALI, KNX, LED, HKLS, installation distribution and cross-plant networking. We not only show you if and which regulations you are violating, but also what and how much your investment in e.g. lighting control, sun protection, BUS technology or supply systems will benefit you.

We are happy to implement our recommendations in building management for you. Sustainable, economical and far-sighted.

Professional adviceContact us

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